Am I A WASPI born in 1959? | Checklist to Determine if you’re a WASPI Woman

This checklist can assist in your efforts to establish whether or not you qualify as a WASPI Woman. This change affected many women born during 1950’s who experienced both financial and emotional strain due to insufficient knowledge regarding when exactly their pension would begin accruing upon retirement age due to inadequate notification from authorities as their pension would begin accrued when their State pension age became due to insufficient notice regarding when their State pension would become due.

Answer the following questions to see if you qualify as a WASPI woman:

Were you born between 6th April 1950 and 5th April 1960?

This is a key eligibility criterion, as the changes to the State Pension Age primarily affected women born within this period.

Are you a UK national?

You need to be a UK national to qualify, as the issue pertains specifically to the UK pension system.

Did you receive insufficient notice about the changes to your State Pension Age?

Many women did not receive adequate or timely notice about when their State Pension Age would change, leaving them unprepared.

an English woman in her 60s looking at her savings letter while standing on her doorstep from a distance

If you are a WASPI woman, you may qualify to join the campaign seeking compensation for the financial and emotional burdens caused by inadequate notice of pension age changes. We welcome you as part of this movement for compensation and encourage you to participate in advocating for your. Together, we can seek justice and fair treatment for all affected by these changes.

Next Steps

Use the WASPI Compensation Calculator to estimate what compensation may be available to you, Grab DWP WASPI Compensation Claim Form

Even if you do not meet all of the criteria above for inclusion as a WASPI woman, you can still support their campaign or seek guidance if pension age changes have had an impactful on other aspects of your life.

Eligibility For WASPI Compensation | Am I A WASPI born in 1959?

The eligibility criteria for Am I a WASPI Born in 1959 (Women Against State Pension Inequality) compensation focus on how changes to the State Pension Age (SPA) have impacted women born during the 1950s. Key factors influencing eligibility are outlined below: 

1. Birth Date Range

Women born from 6 April 1950 to 5 April 1960 were most heavily affected by the changes to the SPA.

  • Their State Pension Age was raised from 60 to as high as 66, depending on their exact year of birth.
  • Those born outside this time frame do not qualify for WASPI compensation, as they either faced no changes to their pension age or were governed by different regulations.

WASPI Petition – Gained more than 130k signatures from across the country. Sign NOW

2. Delayed State Pension

Eligibility applies to women who experienced a delay in receiving their State Pension due to legislative changes:

  • Pensions Act 1995: Gradually increased the SPA from 60 to 65..
  • Pensions Act 2011: Accelerated the increase, raising the SPA to 66.

The delays ranged from one to six years, impacting women’s retirement plans and financial stability.

WASPI Dates of Births – Understanding the gradual increase in State pension age.

Waspi Compensation Calculato

Why This Checklist Is Crucial?

The WASPI campaign has raised significant awareness about the question, “Am i a WASPI born in 1959?” and the impact these changes have had on many women. By addressing these questions, it can become clearer if you have been affected and what steps may need to be taken. Whether it involves claiming compensation, supporting the WASPI campaign, or spreading awareness, any participation could make a difference when advocating on behalf.