WASPI Petition Women’s Fight for their rights

WASPI Petition

WASPI women are calling on the Government to offer fair compensation for the disruption caused by the rise in their State Pension age and the inadequate communication from the DWP.

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This petition seeks compensation for these women, asserting that the government should have better communicated its changes and given more time for planning their retirements. Although thousands have signed and supported it over time, no major concessions from government have yet been granted.

Women were sometimes informed about changes to the pension age only through letters sent months later – often after making plans for early retirement and counting on receiving it at age 60 – which caused considerable financial stress for those expecting it to arrive then instead having to wait five more years before receiving it.

Calculate how much financial loss is caused by change to your state pension age.

WASPI petition, signed by more than 130k of women, they demand compensation for victims of pension reform and want an earlier retirement. Many calls for partial payments or even transitional aid. MPs are in support of this change, but they must also be coupled with changes to ensure that pension financing is sustainable for a growing populace.

WASPI women are continuing to push for more recognition of their condition, believing that there could be support or compensation systems in place. No concrete solutions have been found to this issue, but those who are affected need to keep an eye on new developments.

waspi petition